Friday, September 7, 2018


Vegetables good to grow during this time: Beet, Garlic and egg plant

you would need to water them everyday to make sure they don't die from to much sun.

beets take 45-65 days to grow

it will take about 9 mouths for the garlic to grow fully

It takes 16-25 weeks for eggplant to grow

Image result for how long does it take eggplant to growImage result for how long does it take garlic to growImage result for how long does it take beets to grow


goats need to eat tree shrubs and bushes

they need about 200 square feet of space

goats like to live in groups together

Image result for do goats live in packs

Thursday, September 6, 2018

where hens lay eggs

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Hens like to lay eggs in a nice warm place thats more dry than moist also they have to feel like they are safe.

chicken coop 2

Image result for chicken coop plans

This can hold up to 6 chickens

It was made of wood, nails, and wire fences

it cost 200.59 $

chicken coop 1

Image result for chicken coop plans

 It can hold up to 6-8 chickens at a time.


It's made from wire, wooden doors, levers

plasma Ball